This is a job for FX platform development.
Native level Japanese is required.
Those who has knowledge of industry terminology, such as having created your own FX account are welcome.
Manpower Agency: Vital Top.,Ltd
Job number |
VT003 |
Job role |
Developer |
Job description |
The client is a company that provides FX platform services and is responsible for the development of FX platforms for financial institutions (banks, securities firms, etc.). The functions you will be responsible for are dealing functions for banks, securities firms, and other financial institutions that provide FX services. Those who has knowledge of industry terminology, such as having opened a FX account himself/herself, is welcome. ●FXプラットフォームサービスを提供している企業に参画頂き、金融機関(銀行、証券会社等)向けに提供しているFXプラットフォームの開発をご担当頂きます。 ●ご担当頂く機能は、FXサービスを提供する銀行・証券会社等の金融機関向けディーリング機能になります。 ●今回、新規の顧客向けに既存FXプラットフォームサービスをベースにしたディーリング機能のサーバサイド開発を担当頂きます。 ●業界未経験の方でも、ご自身でFX口座を作っている等、業界用語の知識をお持ちの方であれば大歓迎です。 |
Workplace | Location: Iidabashi,Tokyo ◆ Frequency of Remote: Both in-office and remote (frequency of remote can be negotiable) ◆ 場所:飯田橋 ◆ リモート頻度:出社・リモート併用(リモート頻度は相談可能) |
Working hour |
Salary | ~9.0M/monthly Depends on skills |
Language skill |
Naitive Level Japanese ネイティブに近い日本語 |
Required experience |
Experience in C++ server-side development Knowledge of Linux commands (at the level of being able to investigate logs) ●C++でのサーバサイド開発経験 ●Linuxコマンドの知見(ログ調査ができるレベル) |
Preferable skill |
Other | Full Visa support FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL 090-3074-6651(ASANO) ご質問がある際は 担当:浅野090-3074-6651までご連絡ください。 |